SEICENTO is a distribution for all kind of Early Music. SEICENTO ist distributing editions by
SCHOTT * PETERS * RICORDI * CARUS and many other publishers
If you are looking for a certain composer or music I might probably help you.
Because of the enormous quantity of printed music which has been published my catalogue doesn't include for example:
- modern editions for harpsichord
- modern editions for German Flute
- modern editions for violin
- chamber music for strings or wind
- historical dance
- musicology
Those editions are quite easy to find in the publishers catalogues. So if you are looking for something which you cannot find on my website (especially for the instruments/groups listed above) don't hesitate to ask me. I will try to find it for you.
In the catalogue you may find behind several prices the letters "Oop" - which means "Out of print". Anyway, I kept the titles in the catalogue because they are announced to be reprinted during the next months/years.
How can you order ?
You can order directly by e-mail by clicking on the button, or you send me a fax, a letter or you make use of the good old telephone. Please don't forget to give me your complete adress! If then you tell me which title(s) you would like to have there should be no problems. - if they are available!
How can you pay your order ?
Usually I send an invoice together with the music where you can find my bank accounts. If you are living outside of Germany in another european country there are different ways to send the money:
1. in the EC you can send it by normal bank transfer using the IBAN/SWIFT-Codes of my banks,
2. by PayPal
3. you can send an international postal money order (Mandat International du PTT - Vaglia postale Internazionale)
Whatever kind of payment you prefer: don't forget to refer to your individual "Invoice-Nr."
(=Rechnung-Nr.) as shown in your invoice.
How long will it take to receive the music ?
If you are looking on to the thousands of titles which are available you can imagine that it is impossible to have all them in stock. So my stock is just filled up with some "hits" which I regulary am asked for.
I try to shorten the way to the publisher and if you order some music by an european publisher you normally will get it in a 2-4 weeks time. If the publisher is in the USA the delivery time will be around 8-10 weeks. Ordered books will be sent to you by surface mail.
Prices in this catalogue are given in Euros. Prices supersede those in all previous Seicento catalogues. Although every effort will be made to keep prices at their current levels, the prices given here are subject to change without notice. Should such changes occur, the items affected will be invoiced at the prices in effect when orders for them are received.
Some useful information in english!
Sorry, but payment by credit cards is not possible !
Rainer Luckhardt
Holbeinstrasse 12
D-79312 Emmendingen
Fon: ++49-(0)7641-932803
Fax: ++49-03212 1022410
Mail: seicentomusic(at)arcor(dot)de